
Woman Work by Maya Angelou – BA Poem Summary

Shafaq Ishaq February 26, 2023 No Comments

Woman Work by Maya Angelou – BA Poem Summary

“Woman Work” is a poem by Maya Angelou that speaks to the emotional and physical labor of women. The speaker of the poem is a woman who is overwhelmed with the work she must do, which includes household chores, caring for children, and other tasks that require her attention. She yearns for a moment of respite, but it seems like there is no end to her work. The speaker expresses her desire to be free from her obligations and to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

The poem begins with the speaker describing the work that she must do. She says that she has to “wash the clothes, / iron the linen, / pick cotton” and do other tasks that require her attention. She also has to care for her children, including “rocking the baby” and “making the bed” for them. The speaker is exhausted by all of this work and longs for a break.

The speaker then describes the things that she would like to do if she had a moment to herself. She says that she would like to “plant [her] own tree” and “sow [her] own land.” She also longs to “sit down” and “drink [her] own tea,” suggesting that she wants to take a moment to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

The speaker continues to describe the things that she would like to do, including taking a nap under a tree and watching the clouds float by. She also longs to be “free” and “wild” like a bird, able to fly away from her responsibilities.

Despite her longing for freedom, the speaker knows that she cannot escape her responsibilities. She says that she is “a woman / who knows her own mind” and that she must continue to do her work. However, she also recognizes the value of taking a moment to rest and enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

Throughout the poem, Angelou uses imagery to create a vivid picture of the speaker’s world. She describes the clothes that the speaker must wash as “heavy as dreams,” suggesting the weight of her responsibilities. She also describes the clouds as “fat,” suggesting their abundance and the sense of freedom they represent.

One of the most poignant lines in the poem is when the speaker says, “I am a woman / phenomenally / phenomenal woman / that’s me.” This line highlights the strength and resilience of women, particularly in the face of the many challenges and responsibilities that they must face.

In summary, “Woman Work” is a powerful poem that speaks to the emotional and physical labor of women. The speaker of the poem longs for a moment of respite from her many responsibilities, but she also recognizes the importance of continuing to do her work. Through vivid imagery and powerful language, Angelou captures the complexity of a woman’s life and the strength and resilience that is required to navigate it.

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